Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Mercedes Darling, the E-Class

The E-Class is Mercedes precious 5 seater sedan that has been lovingly evolved to proudly stand as an apt sibling of their pinnacle vehicle, the S-Class. The E-Class is a more economical option, and yet its interior luxury and advanced assistance systems supersede the need to look beyond.
The exterior of the E-Class, like all Mercedes’, is clean and concise. The classic Mercedes look deftly stands the test of time and retains an air of elegance seamlessly. The status quo design has been given a slight twist with the automakers new ‘Sensual Purity’ philosophy, but this installment mainly serves as fine tuning to the prevailing sophistication that all of these cars possess.

The interior space is correspondingly fluid- sporting a single floating panel on the dash, illuminated by a network of LEDs that are outrageously customizable. The LED illumination is seen consistently throughout the cabin, and you are given the choice between 64 selectable colors and can be additionally tuned by adjusting brightness and prevalence. The exterior also features illumination, and can be programmed to light a path to your vehicle when unlocked in the dark.

The 241 hp 2.0 L turbocharged 4 cylinder has been immeasurably advanced to deliver maximum power from minimal fuel. The turbocharger works promptly to boost responsiveness, and the new 9 speed transmission delivers seamless power- enhancing the quiet ride and fuel efficiency. Mercedes multimode drive program ‘Dynamic Select’ homed on the console has four modes- ECO, Comfort, Sport, and Sport+. The four modes alter throttle response and other key factors in customizing your ride like steering responsiveness and climate control efficiency. The fifth- Individual mode- allows you to create your own mode, up to even setting the transmission to manual shifting.

A variety of Mercedes new driver assistance and safety systems are beyond competitor automakers conception. In fact, utilization of the new X-hardware will be slightly limited while Mercedes waits for everyone to catch up. Car to car communication has long been talked about, and the Mercedes E-Class offers one of the first (if not the first ever) installments of this riveting concept- accident prevention in the form of a data network that the E-Class will report to in order to warn others about possible hazards on the road. It doesn’t stop there, however- theres much, much more. Check out our previous blog about the multitude of other innovative safety systems featured on the 2017 E-Class.

Simply put, theres nothing out there quite like the E-Class. The timeless design, infallible elegance, and supreme safety are an incomparable combination- they form the absolute zenith of luxury. Check our inventory here at our site and receive additional information/updates on the 2017 Mercedes E-Class. 

Friday, April 7, 2017

What a Day for Mercedes!

Yesterday, April 6th, was quite a significant date for Mercedes aficionados.  Emil Jellinek was born on April 6th, 1853 in Leipzig, Germany. Initially, Emil was simply an entrepreneur who fell in love with Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybachs Phoenix Double-Phaeton, the hailed car of that time. As an entrepreneur, Emil saw potential in the automobile enterprise and began ordering fleets of DMGs cars to sell. He made large orders and became a popular salesman due to his prompt acquisitions of vehicles that people were looking for, and normally would have needed to wait extensively for.

Emil Jellinek driving his Pheonix Double-Phaeton

Emil entered his own Phoenix armada in the French Rivieras speed week, winning most of the competitions seamlessly, and yet he wasn’t satiated. He sent back critiques of each of DMGs vehicles and sent them design ideas for better cars. Daimler was displeased but his counterpart Maybach recognized the validity of Emils critiques and eventually teamed up with Emil to design a revolutionary car. Their car would be named Mercedes- after Emils 11 year old daughter. On December 22, 1900, DMG delivered the first car equipped with the new engine to Jellinek, a 35 horsepower racing car. This first Mercedes caused a sensation as the new century began. With its low center of gravity, pressed steel frame, lightweight yet powerful engine and honeycomb radiator it was unlike anything the century had ever seen and is now acknowledged as the first modern automobile. Emils appetite was assuredly satiated- considering the Mercedes was the fastest car of its time.

Thus was the birth of a legendary car name. Since then, Mercedes has continuously produced chart topping speed demons that are sensational and innovative. Mercedes reigning innovation, the iconic Beast of the Green Hell, is a 2016 AMG GT R named after the Nurburgring track it was born and raised on. Yesterday, on Emils birthday, the Beast of the Green Hell set a record lap of the Nurburgring- posting a lap time of seven minutes, 10.9 seconds.

The Beast

Happy Belated Birthday, Emil!